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A wife for 5 husbands

Rajo Verma, 21, lives in a shack in a room with five husbands, all of them brothers. Each night she sleeps with a different kind of sex drive, and she has no idea which of the brothers is the father of her baby. She said, "Initially, I felt a bit strange. But I will not favor one at the expense of others."

The husband Guddu, 21, who was the first to do it his wife confirmed, "We all have sex with her, but I am not jealous. We are a big happy family."

Guddu and Rajo were married at a Hindu ceremony four years ago and he is their only "official" husband. But according to custom in her village she had to take as her husbands her brothers Bajju, 32, Sant Ram, 28, Gopal, 26, and Dinesh who joined them when he turned 18.

Rajo cooks, cleans and cares for Jay's 18-month-old son while his spouses leave to work in Dehradun, northern India.

She told me about the ancient tradition called polyandry: "My mother was also married to three brothers, so when I got married I knew I had to accept them all as my husbands I sleep with them one at a time.We do not have beds, just lots of blankets on the floor.I get much more attention and love than most women. "

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