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American destroys neighbor's Easter decor for finding it 'too sexy'

One woman destroyed her neighbor's Easter decoration in Clifton, New Jersey, as "too sexy."

Desiree Shepstone said she was shocked when her neighbor, a dentist, placed 5 dummies dressed as Playboy bunnies in the yard, surrounded by baskets and Easter eggs.
Wayne Gangi, the dentist, is already known in town for his festive decorations.

Desiree told local TV that he has a 16-year-old son and "does not want him to see it" every time he goes to and from school. So he took advantage of the neighbor's absence to destroy the decor with gardening scissors.

Gangi said the decor had nothing to do with Easter, but it was a tribute to Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy. He said he will rebuild the mannequins.

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