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New Wireless Internet at 42 Gbytes per second

Researchers at the University of Technology in Eindhoven create a wireless connection with speed 400 times faster than the current one.

Top technology and researchers around the world continue to try to improve the speed of the internet, a possibility that will open 'doors' to further technological development. With this in mind, it is difficult not to be enthusiastic about the new wireless connection developed by Eindhoven University of Technology.

Responsible researchers were able to create a 400 times faster connection that reaches 42GB per second, enough to download 60 movies per second, Mirror points out. The system works with small antennas that 'shoot' light beams at mobile devices.

The qualities of this system are not merely related to the speed of the connection but also its efficiency. According to the researchers, this connection does not require any maintenance and does not depend on any type of energy. Unfortunately, the market will have to wait (at best) five years before receiving this type of connection.