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Vikings in intimacy

"I have never seen individuals with a more perfect physique. They are tall as date palms and have a reddish complexion. "
Ibn Faldan, the Arab ambassador of the caliphate of Baghdad in 992, Idn Faldan, who found them physically remarkable but filthy, wrote:
"They are the most sordid of all creatures. They do not wash after they satisfy their physiological needs, nor do they wash their hands after meals. They look like stuck donkeys ....
You can live ten or twenty in the same house, and each man has his cot, where he sits down and has fun with the beautiful slaves he brings with him to sell, a situation that sometimes degenerates into a general orgy. Every day they wash their faces and hands in the same water .... A basin with water where he washes his face, hands and hair, combing over that bowl, then blows himself and spits into the water. When one is finished, the slave takes the same basin to the next man, who repeats the operation ... "