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Man sleeps on keyboard and transfers € 222,222,222.22 to another bank account

According to the French channel France 24, an employee of a 48-year-old German bank slept on the keyboard and accidentally transferred the amount of € 222 million (about $ 633 million) to another bank account. The transfer was to be made, but only the small amount of 62.40 euros. The misunderstanding has generated major problems for both the bank and the client.

The money was transferred from an account of a retiree, client of the bank. The clerk slept on key 2 of his PC keyboard and ended up causing all the confusion when he saw it was too late. The bank, not to take a client process, realized the error and corrected the failure as soon as possible.

The official was fired, of course, but filed suit against the bank asking for his reinstatement. The case was tried in the state court of Hesse, Germany. The judge declared the officer innocent, and forced the contractor to hire the employee again.