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Inside a Volcano - Algar do Carvão - Azores (VIDEO)

Algar do Carvão is located in the Caldeira Guilherme Moniz, within the limits of the Parish of Porto Judeu, in the center of Terceira Island, in the Azores. It forms part of a dormant volcano where you can descend to a depth of about 100 meters, where you will find an underground lagoon with crystalline waters. It stands out for its stalactites, unique in the world for its characteristics of silicates. It is classified as Regional Natural Monument.
At an altitude of about 550 meters above sea level, the area has 40.5 hectares and is part of a volcanic cone that integrates the so-called "Basaltic Fissural Zone", between the volcanic massifs of the Sierra de Santa Bárbara, to the West , The Pico Alto in the North and Guilherme Muniz in the South. The algar is constituted by a vertical chimney with 45 meters of height, widened next to the base. The great volcanic apparatus of Guilherme Moniz, facing the south facing the front of the Serra da Morião, is born. Relatively little time ago, speaking in geological time, a new eruption occurred that gave rise to the volcanic cone of the Pico do Carvão, which goes to 639 meters of altitude.