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What is the origin of the word work?

A word that is obligatorily part of the vocabulary and life of any person is work. The routine of waking up early, getting ready and going out for the day-to-day battle is common in the lives of millions of people who need to earn a living for themselves or the family. But what will be the origin of the word work?

The word labor comes from the Latin tripalium, which means punishment. The etymology of the word until it is quite pertinent, as many people consider the work a true daily torture.

The Latin tripalium was, in fact, a kind of stake that was planted on the ground to serve as a trunk for the punishment of the slaves of the Middle Ages.
The meaning of the word labor contributes to an unpleasant view of this daily activity so important in the life of man. Even today, working is seen as a punishment imposed on citizens, but the interpretation of work must be positive, as it is an activity that magnifies man and gives him the opportunity to progress in life. And when you work on what you love to do, it will never be a sacrifice! Work is therefore rewarding!