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Girl deviate from healthy life and dreams to be obese more beautiful from the web

While many go to great lengths to lose weight, Tammy Jung goes against the grain: she does everything she can to gain pounds and more. The goal of a 23-year-old woman is to become as obese as possible. All to win the title of Obesa Mais Bonita on the internet.

Tammy was a 50-pound "ordinary" teenager (pictured below) who wore tight jeans, loved playing volleyball and football and hanging out with friends.

But despite her healthy appearance, she felt insecure. One fine day, the American woman from California changed her diet, moved on to living indoors and clogged with fried chicken, donuts, pancakes, waffles, fries, pizza and lots of cheese. Of course, one could not miss generous doses of soda of various types. Tammy even allows her boyfriend, Johan Ubermen, 28, to pour milkshake directly into his mouth with the help of a pipe. The diet is 5 thousand calories a day!

The result could not be otherwise: every six months, Tammy fattens about 22 pounds! Currently, the American weighs 105 pounds. The goal is to reach 190 pounds!

Tammy believes the title will make her earn money as a "plus size" model. She expects to bill the equivalent of R $ 3,000 per month.

"I've never felt so happy as now gaining weight, nothing will stop me from pursuing my dream, I know it's controversial, but it's nobody's business, eating makes me happy," she said, according to Barcroft Average.

The American has already won fans in several countries. To them, Tammy is provocative and sexy. The food is displayed online devouring dishes and more dishes for Internet users.